We share the opinion column written by our Legal & Business Director, Stephanie Cruz, on the impact that the use of Artificial Intelligence will have on pro bono matters.

At the intersection of technology and social service, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a powerful tool that can transform the way we measure the impact of pro bono. Historically, pro bono initiatives have been evaluated using traditional methods that, while useful, are often limited by subjectivity and the human capacity to analyze large volumes of data. AI, with its ability to process and analyze data on an unprecedented scale, can offer more accurate insights.

One of the main advantages of AI is its ability to handle and analyze large volumes of data. Organizations that provide pro bono services, whether law firms, foundations, nonprofits, consulting firms or individual professionals, generate a large amount of data throughout their projects. This data includes information on beneficiaries, hours spent, results achieved and long-term impact. AI can analyze this data to identify patterns and trends that would otherwise go unnoticed.

However, beyond the numbers and statistics, the real value of pro bono lies in its social impact. This is where AI can really shine. Using natural language processing (NLP) techniques, AI can analyze testimonials, surveys and social networks to extract insights into how pro bono customers perceive the value of the services received. This ability to extract subjective qualities and potentially understand human sentiment and perceptions allows organizations to adjust their strategies and approaches to maximize their impact.

Another area where AI can be crucial is in predicting and optimizing future pro bono projects. By analyzing historical and current data, AI can predict which types of projects will have the greatest impact and which might be less effective. This not only helps organizations focus their efforts on areas where they can make the biggest difference, but also allows for more efficient allocation of resources.

For example, a law firm that uses AI to analyze the outcomes of its pro bono cases might discover that certain types of legal advice or litigation have a significantly greater impact on disadvantaged communities. With this information, they can direct more resources toward these specific cases, ensuring a greater social return for their efforts.

Finally, AI can play a crucial role in transparency and accountability. Organizations that engage in pro bono projects often face the challenge of demonstrating the value of their work to external stakeholders, such as funders, partners, and the community at large. Using AI algorithms, these organizations can generate detailed, data-driven reports that clearly demonstrate their impact, thereby enhancing their credibility and ability to attract more support.

In a world where social needs are vast and resources are often limited, artificial intelligence offers a new frontier for maximizing the impact of pro bono work. By enabling deeper and more accurate data analysis, improving social impact assessment, optimizing resources and strengthening transparency, AI not only complements human efforts, but enhances them.

Por Stephanie Cruz, Directora de Legal & Business de Albagli Zaliasnik (az)

Source: Portal Innova, June 14, 2024.