We share the opinion column written by our associate from the IP Group, Tech and Data, Fernanda Rodríguez on the use of AI in the music industry and...
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The Venture Capital opportunity for Latin America
We share the opinion column written by our partner Rodrigo Albagli for Inversor Latam, where he referred to the increase in interest in the Latin...
Cyberday 2024 | Four practical recommendations for clients and suppliers
A review of our processes in the days before and during Cyberday can be very useful in reducing risks and contingencies. From June 3 to 5, a new...
Voice, artificial intelligence and intellectual property
We share the opinion column written by our associate from the IP Group, Tech and Data, Fernanda Rodríguez on the use of AI in the music industry and...
The Venture Capital opportunity for Latin America
We share the opinion column written by our partner Rodrigo Albagli for Inversor Latam, where he referred to the increase in interest in the Latin...
Cyberday 2024 | Four practical recommendations for clients and suppliers
A review of our processes in the days before and during Cyberday can be very useful in reducing risks and contingencies. From June 3 to 5, a new...