You can download the document prepared by our Tax Group by clicking here. On january 29 of this year, the Government submitted to Congress the Bill...
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Anticompetitive practices: The millionaire lawsuit Google is facing
More than thirty European media groups, such as Spain, Norway and Belgium, agreed to sue one of the most important global technology companies. The...
Double taxation agreement with the U.S: a key step forward
We invite you to read the opinion column written by our partner Rodrigo Albagli and director of TrIbutario Group, David Ancelovici, who discussed...
Tax Reform Bill: What changes will IVA have?
You can download the document prepared by our Tax Group by clicking here. On january 29 of this year, the Government submitted to Congress the Bill...
Anticompetitive practices: The millionaire lawsuit Google is facing
More than thirty European media groups, such as Spain, Norway and Belgium, agreed to sue one of the most important global technology companies. The...
Double taxation agreement with the U.S: a key step forward
We invite you to read the opinion column written by our partner Rodrigo Albagli and director of TrIbutario Group, David Ancelovici, who discussed...