With the growth of the team, the area will continue to focus its work on the implementation of specific compliance models, with a view to the entry into force of the Economic and Environmental Crimes Law.

The firm Albagli Zaliasnik (az) integrated two new associates into its Compliance team. These are Loreto Osorio and Macarena Navea, who will support the team’s requirements in various matters.

Loreto is a lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC) and has diplomas in legal medicine (PUC), as well as in criminal liability of legal entities (University of Valladolid) and also in economic criminal law (University of Concepción).

The expert worked as a Risk Management Analyst and, later, Forensic Consultant at the consulting and auditing firm Deloitte Chile.
He has participated in fraud investigations, due diligence processes, background checks, and the development and implementation of risk matrices in various sectors. Additionally, he has participated in FCPA due diligence projects in the context of M&A.
On the other hand, Macarena Navea is a lawyer from the Adolfo Ibáñez University. As an associate she has participated in the design and implementation of crime prevention models and implementation of compliance programs.

She focuses her practice on legal risk assessment, design of controls, due diligence, as well as design, adjustment and implementation of crime prevention models of Law 20,393.
From az they emphasize that the area will continue to focus its work on the implementation of specific compliance models, especially given the entry into force of the Economic and Environmental Crimes Law in September for companies.

“Strengthening response capacity in a key period for the industry requires a strategic and proactive approach, ensuring that all operations and processes are aligned with the new regulation,” added az partner Rodrigo Albagli.

Source: Estado Diario, June 13, 2024.
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