Organizations must hire, or keep hired, at least 1% of people with disabilities or who are beneficiaries of a disability pension. In accordance with...
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Institutional mailing | Scope and limits for trade union purposes
The pronouncement addresses the potential use of institutional mail for union purposes and the company's right to substitute this communication...
CMF publishes rule regulating minimum conditions for related party transactions
The standard regulates the minimum content that must be included in the customary policy of open stock corporations and special stock corporations....
Law on Inclusion | Companies with 100 or more hired workers must make an electronic declaration in January
Organizations must hire, or keep hired, at least 1% of people with disabilities or who are beneficiaries of a disability pension. In accordance with...
Institutional mailing | Scope and limits for trade union purposes
The pronouncement addresses the potential use of institutional mail for union purposes and the company's right to substitute this communication...
CMF publishes rule regulating minimum conditions for related party transactions
The standard regulates the minimum content that must be included in the customary policy of open stock corporations and special stock corporations....