Doubts about the moment and its effect generate the idea of multilevel negotiation between experts

Jun 11, 2024

Economists and labor lawyers analyzed the decision of the Executive Branch to advance a project of this type.

The Government’s decision to promote a tripartite dialogue during the third quarter to advance the development of a project on the regulation of multi-level collective bargaining, which involves different companies and unions, and even workers’ confederations, was taken the conversations of economists and lawyers.

One of those who was most critical regarding the possibility of taking steps on this issue was the director of the Center for Surveys and Longitudinal Studies of the Catholic University, David Bravo, for whom it is “a bad idea, and it is doubly bad if you consider the moment in which it was done.”

For the expert in labor issues, the country is going through a weak economic moment that is reflected in the growth and employment figures, indicators that should put on the table the need to address other more urgent matters than informality.

“This puts a big cloud in the sky for companies that are looking forward, which need a certain stability,” said Bravo, adding that ideas like these become additional obstacles that can affect investment decisions and the creation of more jobs.´

In his opinion, this intention is not consistent with the authorities’ own discourse. “For a moment there is talk that we have to improve the future growth rate and we are taking measures of this nature. It is not coherent, it does not seem responsible to me, and it is even worse if we think that this is being done only as a salute to the flag, because it is highly probable that it will not be approved,” he stated.

Their criticism was echoed by the director of the labor team of the Albagli Zaliasnik studio (AZ), Jorge Arredondo, who questioned that in a matter like this they only negotiate with the Unitary Central of Workers (CUT).

The lawyer added that although this is an issue that is part of the Government program, “it is not in line with the Chilean organizational culture, it is a change in standard and I would believe that it is not an aspiration required by the workers.”

Source: Diario Financiero, May 30, 2024. [See full note here]

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