Download our e-book on the 2024 Tax Reform Bill

Feb 23, 2024

You can download the document prepared by our Tax Group by clicking here.

On january 29 of this year, the Government submitted to Congress the Bill on Compliance with Tax Obligations within the Pact for Economic Growth, Social Progress and Fiscal Responsibility called “Bill on Compliance with Tax Obligations”.

The project contemplates the modification of several legal bodies, the most important of which are the Tax Code, the Income Tax Law and the VAT Law. It also incorporates a new transitory regime for the regularization of foreign capital.

In this context, our tax team prepared a document with relevant and updated information on these matters, answering frequently asked questions, such as:

  • How will it impact the Tax Code?
  • What implications will it have on the Income Tax Law?
  • What modifications will it have on VAT?
  • How will it affect the Inheritance, Allocations and Donations Tax Law?
  • What will be the new powers of the “DEDECON”?
  • What aspects should I consider regarding high value assets?
  • Are there any transitory tax compliance measures?

You can download the document in our e-book section here.

For more information on these topics you can contact our Tax team:

Rodrigo Albagli | Partner |

Álvaro Rosenblut | Partner |

David Ancelovici | Director Tax Group |

Pablo Trucco | Senior Associate |

Elisabet Pinto | Associate |

Valentina Herrera | Associate |


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