Event | 2024: Changes in labor laws that will mobilize companies

Apr 12, 2024

Our partner from the Labor group, Jorge Arredondo, participated as a speaker at the event “Changes in labor laws that will mobilize companies”, organized by Diario Financiero in conjunction with the Adolfo Ibáñez University.

Companies have a calendar full of milestones this year in labor matters due to the various changes that come into effect. The Law on the Reconciliation of Personal, Family and Work Life came into force on January 29. But also, the implementation of both the reduction of the working day (on April 26) and the Karin law on sexual harassment, labor and violence at work (August 1) is imminent.

You can relive the broadcast below:

For Jorge Arredondo, this initiative implies “a change in labor relations” by modifying the paradigm of conflict. This, he explains, because companies are not used to dealing with internal conflicts, to being impartial regarding the act of taking a safeguard measure, to having to investigate directly and eventually prevent this from happening to third parties.

Source: Diario Financiero, April 4, 2024.

See original note here.

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