Fiscal pact in suspense | By David Ancelovici

Jul 3, 2023

We invite you to read the letter to the editor written by our Tax Group Director, David Ancelovici, on the so-called Fiscal Pact.

During this last week, we have seen how the so-called Fiscal Pact continues to generate controversy between the government and the business sector. This is even more so when the Confederation of Production and Commerce declined to participate in the discussion of an eventual Tax Reform in which taxes will be raised.

In the face of so much uncertainty, we must be attentive to the leadership role that the Government should assume in an instance such as this. It is not an easy task, since it is necessary to combine economic incentives, oriented towards the growth of a country whose economy has been greatly affected by different factors, with principles of fiscal transparency that accommodate all types of taxpayers.

The need for resources is increasing at the same pace as the need for new projects and social expectations, without clarity as to how we intend to finance our own initiatives. Let us hope that the scenario becomes clearer soon.

Letter to the Editor published on June 29 in Diario Financiero.

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