Intellectual property and the law of economic crimes

Jan 23, 2024

We share the letter to the director written by our partner of the IP, Tech and Data group, Eugenio Gormáz, published by Diario Financiero.

Based on the legislative advances we have experienced in the field of economic crimes, it is essential to incorporate a change of priorities at the corporate level with regard to prevention criteria.

Specifically, in the adoption of comprehensive measures around the management and management of intangible assets. Thus, the Economic Crimes Law implies the inclusion of more than 200 crimes that are currently contained in various legal bodies, maintaining the same penalties, but assigning them a differentiated classification according to their severity compared to other crimes.

In this context, companies may also be criminally liable. It is usual that the safeguard around the management of intangible assets only reaches a priority level in companies related to the field. However, given that we live in a highly digitized world, where the market demands the use of this type of content constantly, it is crucial to keep in mind that all industries, regardless of their nature, can face the risk of committing crimes related to intangible assets. In this scenario, the need to implement an appropriate crime prevention model is particularly relevant.

Letter written by Eugenio Gormáz, partner of the IP, Tech and Data group.

Available here.

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