We invite you to read the article in Diario Financiero in which our partner, Antonio Rubilar, commented on the role of the sustainability manager in companies.

There are multiple challenges that companies face in order to be sustainable. That is why driving change is one of the key tasks of those who are driving this issue in organizations. How are they doing it?

Climate change has generated structural changes not only at a social level, but also within companies, which have begun to adopt environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria, a practice that has been increasing in Chile, but which, in the opinion of experts, is still not enough.

This is reflected in the ESG in Chile 2023 report, prepared by Acción Empresas and ESE Business School, which still shows a low incorporation of these objectives and the preparation of companies to address them.

In this context, the figure of the sustainability manager emerges strongly to respond to the increasing requirements that companies face to take charge of their impact on the environment and society.

For Andrés Devoto, a lawyer and partner of Grupo Alianza, there is currently a change ‘from the almost voluntary figure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to the current role of sustainability managers’, whose work he considers essential in view of the increase in regulations and how they are demanded both by the community and by those who supervise them. Devoto states that, to achieve this, in addition to knowing the business processes, managers must also be familiar with environmental issues, community relations and the applicable legal framework.

Today, these managers not only focus on environmental management, but also participate in corporate strategy, ensuring that sustainable practices generate long-term value for the company,’ says Thinking’s executive director, Christian Arriagada. This is due to pressure from society, consumers and new regulations such as the REP Law, the Law on Plastics and Single-Use Products and the Framework Law on Climate Change, among others.

Today, businesses understand that the understanding of ESG criteria and the generation of shared value is a vision that cannot be an appendix to the business, but must be the business,’ adds Allain Gallardo, manager of sustainability and public affairs at Bbosch. For him, playing this role requires being connected with strategies linked to these issues and with the values of each company in order to build sustainability planning on that.

For the leading partner of regulated markets and public law of Albagli Zaliasnik (AZ), Antonio Rubilar, it is essential that this function be ‘preventive and mitigating, but without being an obstacle‘. The expert indicates that whoever takes the position must be seen as an ally in the business areas.

It is crucial to have strong leadership to promote change within the organization,’ adds Bbosch’s development, technology and marketing manager, Pablo Bosch. In his view, it is vital to have the ability to communicate the importance of sustainability at all levels of the company and to external stakeholders. ‘It is also essential to be adaptable and willing to innovate, as the field of sustainability is constantly changing,’ he adds.

Source: Diario Financiero, August 16. [See here]