New Regulation on Price Information per Unit of Measurement of Consumer Products is approved.

Dec 18, 2024

Suppliers of goods or services must clearly inform the price per unit of measurement together with the sale price of the products.

The Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism issued a new regulation that regulates the information of the price per unit of measurement of products offered to the consumer, leaving without effect the previous Decree No. 229 of 2002.

This change, published in the Official Gazette on December 10, 2024, aims to guarantee transparency and facilitate price comparisons for consumers, in line with Law No. 19,496 on Consumer Rights Protection.

Among the main obligations, it establishes that suppliers of goods or services, whether in physical establishments or on e-commerce platforms, must clearly inform the price per unit of measurement together with the sale price of the products.

This provision applies to both domestic and foreign products, with specific exceptions for microenterprises and certain goods such as medicines, food for immediate consumption and products with particular sectorial regulations.

To ensure the effectiveness of this regulation, the information provided is required to be visible, legible and located in the same field of vision as the selling price.

In the case of electronic platforms, the development of tools that allow products to be ordered according to their price per unit of measurement is encouraged, promoting an informed selection by consumers.

The regulation also introduces uniform standards for certain products, such as cosmetics and spices, facilitating comparison between similar goods.

Although there are exemptions for products of a special nature, the regulation seeks to cover as many traded items as possible, promoting fairer and more transparent market practices.

Regarding its application, this instrument will enter into force nine months after its publication, that is, on September 10, 2025, with an extended period of twelve months for small companies.

Therefore, suppliers must start with the adoption of the necessary measures to comply with the obligations of this regulation, reviewing and/or updating their advertising policies of goods or services in order to be aligned with this new regulation.

You can review the regulation at the following link:

For more information regarding this new regulation, you can write to our Public Law and Regulated Markets Group:

Antonio Rubilar | Partner |

Gonzalo Bravo | Senior Associate |

Constanza Delgado | Associate |

Fernanda Del Canto | Attorney at Law |

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