Interview Yoab Bitran | On equity and diversity issues “it is very important to distinguish between the root cause and certain movements”.
We share with you Diario Financiero's interview with our Compliance Group director, Yoab Bitran, who referred to the withdrawal of DEI policies in...

DS 44: Does it establish changes to proceed with the dismissal of a worker?
We invite you to read the column written by our partner Jorge Arredondo, where he addressed the entry into force of Supreme Decree 44 of the...

More security in Chile’s Telecommunications
This regulation seeks to reduce the use of stolen devices and improve the security of users. On February 13, Law No. 21.729 was published in the...

Interview Yoab Bitran | On equity and diversity issues “it is very important to distinguish between the root cause and certain movements”.
We share with you Diario Financiero's interview with our Compliance Group director, Yoab Bitran, who referred to the withdrawal of DEI policies in...

DS 44: Does it establish changes to proceed with the dismissal of a worker?
We invite you to read the column written by our partner Jorge Arredondo, where he addressed the entry into force of Supreme Decree 44 of the...

More security in Chile’s Telecommunications
This regulation seeks to reduce the use of stolen devices and improve the security of users. On February 13, Law No. 21.729 was published in the...