We invite you to read the reflection of our partner Gabriel Zaliasnik in his opinion column called "The same sea", published in La Tercera...

We invite you to read the reflection of our partner Gabriel Zaliasnik in his opinion column called "The same sea", published in La Tercera...
Our partner Gabriel Zaliasnik called for a review of the problems with the economic crime law and acknowledged that the criticism came "a little...
We invite you to review the latest press appearances of our team on the occasion of the early enactment of the Economic Crimes Law. In the coming...
We invite you to read the reflection of our partner Gabriel Zaliasnik in his opinion column called "The same sea", published in La Tercera...
Our partner Gabriel Zaliasnik called for a review of the problems with the economic crime law and acknowledged that the criticism came "a little...
We invite you to review the latest press appearances of our team on the occasion of the early enactment of the Economic Crimes Law. In the coming...